Basic Rope Access
Basic Rope Access Training is a course offered by Vertical. Rope Access is a two-rope system (a working line and back-up line) that a Rope Technician attaches to with a harness in order to complete some type of work at-height. It is the method that Vertical is using.
Using additional gear, a Rope Access technician can maneuver themselves up, down, and across, while securing a variety of work positions. This system of mobility is what allows a Rope Access Technician to access difficult work locations with ease and what makes Rope Access a great solution to many project access challenges.
If the Rope Access method is used with absolute correctness, there should be zero accidents on site. Vertical provides this training to rope access professionals and enthusiasts alike.
Training with Vertical will give you the appropriate knowledge of internationally-acclaimed standard procedure of doing rope access. Vertical does In-house trainings in Cebu and also outbound trainings, depending on client arrangement. Trainers are all IRATA and ISO certified rope access technicians that have the passion to make rope access widely known, especially in the Philippines. Trainings take 5 days.
When you decide to use Rope Access on your work site, you can be confident that the method is fool proof, fast, and above all else, safe.
Book your trainings with Vertical now!
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